Trifosa's Blog: 2016
Corgi Dog Bark

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Miss You Pet Society

Miss You "Pet Society"

Pet Society adalah permainan virtual pet via jejaring sosial yang dibuat oleh Playfish dan dirilis pada Tanggal 8 Agustus 2008. Game ini dapat dimainkan di banyak jejaring sosial, salah satunya Facebook. Melalui game pet simulation ini, kamu bisa memelihara seekor mahluk imut yang bisa berinteraksi dengan berbagai lingkungan yang terdapat di dalam kota Pet Society. Selain itu kamu juga bisa menghias rumah peliharaan kamu dengan berbagai macam objek menarik yang bisa kamu kumpulkan dari aktvitas di Kota Pet Society, meliputi kegiatan lomba lari, memancing, bermain Frisbee, dan lain-lain sebagainya. Namun sayangnya kemeriahan yang sudah dimiliki di Pet Society ini terpaksa harus berakhir saat EA memutuskan untuk menutup developer Playfish pada Juni 2013 :'(

Jika berbicara tentang Pet Society saya selalu merasa ingin memainkannya lagi, karena saya sangat menyukai game tersebut. Saya bahkan rela untuk selalu ingat membuka game tersebut setiap hari demi mengumpulkan koin (uang) melalui hadiah daily, memberinya makan, memandikannya, mengajaknya bermain sampai berkunjung ke semua rumah teman yang ada.


Ketika pertama kali membuka link game Pet Society akan muncul daily dengan jumlah hadiah yang berbeda-beda setiap harinya. Setelah itu ada beberapa kegiatan yang harus dilakukan setiap hari seperti main lottery, berkunjung ke rumah teman sebanyak-banyaknya, mengikuti race lari, mengunjungi pohon-pohon yang ada di sekitar luar rumah, menggali harta karun, bermain bola, lompat tali dan lain-lain.


Saat ada event berhadiah 50 cash gratis dengan cara membuka akun Pet Society yang sudah tidak pernah dibuka atau dimainkan selama minimal 3 bulan seingat saya, saya langsung berniat dan menginginkan hadiahnya. Saya sampai rela bertanya "Apa email dan password Facebook-mu?" kepada teman-teman saya yang dahulu sempat bermain Pet Society namun sudah tidak bermain lagi demi mendapatkan 50 cash gratis dari akun mereka. Bahkan disaat ada beberapa teman saya yang sempat ragu-ragu untuk memberikan email dan password FB mereka saya rela merayu dan berjanji bahwa saya tidak akan membajak atau melakukan apapun di FB mereka selain membuka game Pet Society mereka. Sampai akhirnya mereka memberikan ijin kepada saya untuk membuka Pet Society mereka melalui akun mereka masing-masing dan saya langsung mendapatkan masing-masing akun sebanyak 50 cash secara cuma-cuma. Setelah mendapatkan 50 cash tersebut saya langsung membeli barang-barang yang hanya bisa dibeli dengan cash saja, lalu saya mengirimkannya ke akun saya. Setelah selesai berbelanja dan mengirim barang yang sudah saya beli, saya tidak langsung untuk keluar dari akun teman saya, tetapi saya masih melihat-lihat semua barang yang ada di rumah teman-teman saya. Saya iseng mencoba bertanya ke teman-teman saya dengan perasaan berharap (heheee) "Lu masing berniat main game Petsos gak? Kalo gak mau main lagi, barang-barang lu boleh buat gw gak? :P". Akhirnya teman-teman saya semuanya memeperbolehkan saya untuk mengambil semua barang yang mereka miliki dan saya pun sangat senang :D. Saya akhirnya langsung mengirim satu per satu barang yang mereka miliki ke akun saya, tetapi sayang beberapa barang tidak dapat dikirim jadi saya harus rela tidak memiliki beberapa diantaranya :'( tetapi tidak apa-apa, lumayan banyak juga barang yang bisa saya dapat secara cuma-cuma :P Dan seingat saya, jika ditotal saya mendapatkan cash secara cuma-cuma lewat akun teman-teman saya sebanyak 500 cash kurang lebih dalam bentuk barang ditambah beberapa barang yang mereka miliki yang bisa dikirim ke rumah saya. Setelah saya selesai merampok semua harta teman-teman saya, saya langsung membuka akun Pet Society milik saya sendiri. Di rumah pet saya terdapat banyak sekali kado kiriman dari akun teman-teman saya yang saya kirimkan sebelumnya bahkan sampai-sampai pet saya tidak kelihatan disebabkan kado yang terlalu banyak heheeee, dan akhirnya saya buka semua kado tersebut satu per satu. Setelah itu saya mulai mendekor ulang semua ruangan di rumah saya dan mengganti baju serta rambut per saya. Saya pun merasa pet saya mendadak menjadi sangat kaya. Heheee :P

Semakin lama rumah pet saya semakin tinggi bahkan semua ruangan / room yang ada di toko saya merasa seperti sudah memiliki semuanya. Ada banyak sekali tema dan fungsi yang saya terapkan pada tiap room, ada :
-room khusus cat rambut,
-room khusus koleksian rambut, sayap, baju, dress, aksesoris dan sepatu,
-room khusus koleksi boneka-boneka saya, seperti kuda pony, kucing, kelinci dan rusa,
-room khusus tanaman pohon berbuah yang unik sekaligus berbagai peri yang bisa terbang,
-room yang dibuat khusus untuk barang-barang glow in the dark,
-room khusus ikan-ikan yang saya dapat di kolam pemancingan,
-room khusus mesin pembuat boneka
-room khusus mesin pengecat rambut
-room khusus bundle-bundle yang saya sudah miliki dan siap saya jual
Berikut ini beberapa foto room yang berisi sebagian koleksi saya. Ada satu lagi yang hampir saya lupakan dari benda koleksiku, yaitu Poo. Heheee. Bahkan ada juga room khusus untuk poo koleksianku. Kalau masih mau melihat room-room ku lihat dari Album Foto Petsos aja ya biar gak lelet & gak kebanyakan gambar yang takutnya nanti rusak atau pecah juga :D


Disalah satu room saya juga bahkan ada toko yang bisa melakukan transaksi pembelian, beberapa diantaranya ada toko jus, "Joke Shop" dan spinner "Trick or Treat" seperti ini, selain itu masih ada juga toko "Menu" yang menjual minuman, burger dan kentang goreng seharga 50 koin/pcs. Foto toko "Menu" bisa dilihat di link album yang diatas tadi ya :D


Bagi pecinta Pet Society pastinya tahu banget kalo banyak sekali grup-grup di Facebook yang sengaja dibuat untuk para pemain game Pet Society, dan di grup masing-masing pasti ada saja event yang diadakan, misalnya lomba fashion dengan tema tertentu, kontes menggambar, event like terbanyak, lalu ada event FC & LC, yaitu First Comment dan Last Comment tergantung banyak tidaknya anggota grup didalamnya. Semakin banyak anggota dan semakin aktif ketua dan anggota nya semakin seru pula event-event nya.
Bahkan melalui event yang diadakan kita bisa mendapatkan hadiah jika memenangkannya dan hadiah sudah ditentukan saat event tersebut diposting digrup. Hadiahnya pun bermacam-macam ada yang biasa hingga rare. Saya pun sering sekali mengikuti event-event nya dan cukup sering pula memenangkannya :D
Selain event-event yang sering diadakan, grup juga berfungsi sebagai "pasar" dimana para anggota dapat menjual dan membeli sesuatu yang diinginkan melalui sebuah postingan. Jika seseorang ingin membeli biasanya orang tersebut memberi kode "WTB" yang berarti "Want To Buy", apabila seseorang ingin menjual biasanya orang tersebut memberi kode "WTS" yang berarti "Want To Sell". Selain itu bisa juga seseorang digrup tersebut memposting hanya untuk bertanya ke anggota grup yang lain dengan kode "WTA" yang berarti "Want To Ask". Misal ada seseorang ingin membeli sayap, orang tersebut pasti akan memposting tulisan "WTB wings/sayap" dan nantinya akan banyak orang lain yang ada di grup tersebut menjawab postingan orang tersebut.
Berikut ini link yang berisi keberhasilan dan perjuanganku selama mengikut event-event di grup Pet Society dan memang ada sedikit foto-foto yang lain, Album Event.

Suatu hari saat saya sedang membuka game Pet Society muncul tulisan "Pet Society will be shutting down on 14th June 2013" saya langsung merasa cukup sedih karena game yang tiap hari saya selalu memainkannya dengan senang dan niat akan offline selamanya :'(
Saya pun mulai berniat untuk menjual semua barang-barang yang saya miliki agar saya paling tidak bisa mendapat keuntungan daripada semuanya hanya sia-sia saja. Karena saat belum beredar kabar bahwa Pet Society akan offline, banyak sekali orang yang ingin membeli akun Pet Society saya bahkan ada yang merayu supaya saya menjual akun saya senilai 500ribu lebih, tetapi saat itu saya berpikir bahwa itu adalah akun utama saya. Akun tersebut seperti tidak bisa diganti yang baru, maka saya tidak berniat menjual akun saya. Saya hanya berniat menjual beberapa barang-barang yang memang saya berniat untuk menjualnya. Semua koleksi yang saya berniat jual ada di Album Jual Pet Society . Saya memang sedikit menyesal karena saya tidak mau menjual akun saya ini senilai 500ribu lebih, tetapi sebagai gantinya saya rajin sekali memposting tulisan "WTS semua barang yang ada di Album Jual Pet Society" dan saya memberikan harga 5 barang seharga 10ribu pulsa ada pula yang 3 barang seharga 10ribu untuk barang rare. Bisnis saya ini pun masih termasuk lumayan laris, karena masih banyak yang berminat membeli barang-barang koleksian saya. Sampai-sampai setelah pulang sekolah saya langsung membuka FB untuk melihat apakah ada yang ingin membeli barang saya. Jika ada yang ingin membelinya pun saya akan langsung melayaninya. Dan tidak mudah untuk melakukan transaksi di grup karena kita diwajibkan memiliki semacam jaminan bahwa kita bukanlah penipu, seperti gambar yang bertuliskan SC or ST berikut. Serta digambar tersebut harus banyak yang memberikan komentar "ST" yang berarti "Safe Trader" jika sampai ada yang memberikan komentar "SC" atau Scammer maka pemilik jaminan tersebut bisa dibilang kurang aman dan mungkin tidak aman sama sekali. Saya pun merasa seperti sudah mendapatkan uang sebanyak ratusan ribu dengan cara berjualan beberapa barang Pet Society di berbagai grup-grup Pet Society yang ada di Facebook.

Pet Society Akan Ditutup Juni Mendatang 

Saat game tersebut ditutup, saya bahkan harus berpisah dengan sosok “Caroline” yang berulang tahun pada tanggal 29 April 2011. RIP Caroline Pet Society I always remember you forever :'(  


Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Tugas Softskill

Beauty Poetries
(Puisi-Puisi Indah)

by Rheny dFeminino

You led me growing up

You taught me about a lot of things
You want me to be the best
You asked for prayers for me

Prayer shine me

Prayer led me
Prayer helped me
The best prayer for me

You're like the air

Without you I'm not there
Smile so impressed
There is a meaning behind the smile

I am happy with you

Without you I am helpless
You are everything to me
You are the best for me

by Fenti Sanulo Gowasa

 Come bring your heart
Dont think what they say
Cause here you are not alone
Let it go, dont stop it
Everything is gonna be okay
Cause we are here to you
Keep your smile to the world
And singing a song to the earth
So you will be happy fun
Come on forget your problem
Forget your sadness
Cause here we are together.

oleh Rona Uli Pardede

Bila kulihat bintang gemerlapan

Dan bunyi guruh riuh ku dengar
Ya Tuhanku tak putus aku heran
Melihat ciptaan-Mu yang besar

Maka jiwaku pun memuji-Mu

Sungguh besar Kau Allah ku
Sungguh indah karya-Mu
Tiada yang tak bisa Kau lakukan

Betapa lu menyadari di

Dalam hidupku ini
Kau selalu memberi rancangan terbaik
Oleh karena kasih

Hidup yang Kau berikan

Sangat berarti bagi ku
Terima kasih Kau telah
Memberiku nafas kehidupan sekali lagi

oleh Desy Samosir

Jangan menangis jika kamu merindukannya
Jangan merenung jika kehilangannya
Jangan pernah menyesal saat kamu dan dia telah usai
Tetapi tersenyumlah, karena kamu dan dia pernah bersama

Ketika Tuhan mengambil sesuatu dari kamu
Dia bukan menghukum kamu
Namun hanya membuka tangan kamu
Untuk menerima sesuatu yang lebih baik dari sebelumnya

Lebih baik berhenti mengeluh atas apa yang hilang
Karena kehilangan adalah sebagai pengingat
Untuk selalu bersyukur terhadap apa yang telah kita miliki

oleh Asmarita Dewi

Terimakasih Tuhan,

Kau titipkan aku pada orang tua yang menyayangi aku
Kepada orang yang selalu memaafkan kehilafanku
Bersama orang yang rela menangis demi senyumku
Bersama orang yang tak terlelap demi mimpiku

Terimakasih Tuhan,

Kau hadirkan saudara yang menemaniku
Saudara yang memberikan bahunya atas bebanku
Saudara yang mengulurkan tangannya saat aku terjatuh

Terimakasih Tuhan,

Kau pertemukan aku kepada sahabat-sahabatku
Sahabat yang menegakkanku saat aku mulai lemah
Sahabat yang menemaniku menapakkan jejak
Sahabat yang yang ada di setiap dukaku
Sahabat yang melengkungkan senyum terindahku

Terimakasih Tuhan,

Aku yakin serta percaya
Engkaulah penulis skenario cerita terindah
Karena engkau yang maha tahu

My favorite poetry is poetry by Asmarita Dewi with the title "Terimakasih". Because in this life we must to say thanksgiving to God for all of our have, like parents, brothers, sisters, friends, bestfriends, and the other. You must remember if God knows what's the best for us.

Sumber :

Thursday, 28 April 2016

English Assignment

My Plans After Graduate

Soon, I will graduate from my college majoring management and get my bachelor's degree. I hope I can be a manager of one or some companies someday. After the graduation I was also interested to continue study abroad to continued my postgraduate, especially in Europe. Therefore, I've already started to figure out some references that are offered by the universities in Europe. Why would I choose Europe as a place to continue my studies? It is because I am very interested to be in European countries and the  beauty panoramas of every country there. 

If I really can go to college in Europe, first I will follow the course from agencies that provide services preparation for students who want to study abroad. The activities such as attending courses to learn the daily language in which country I can get a scholarship, prepare some documents that are needed for study abroad, and the determination to get home stay a while. After I began to study at the university has been choosen, I will take a part-time job there. I'll do this to have extra money for personal daily use.

Once I get a master's degree, I will go back to Indonesia. Then I want to establish a business that I can become a manager on it. Business that I would build are a hotel and a restaurant that stood side by side. The concept that I want to apply in my hotel and restaurant are have the nuance of Italy and France. Beside that, I have the other plans after returning to Indonesia, I will be working in a multinational company.

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Eiffel Tower (English Version)

Eiffel Tower

I deliberately wrote this post in English for task. But the truth is, I've ever made this article in Indonesian. Here's the link for my previous post about The Eiffel Tower in Indonesian Version Menara Eiffel (Eiffel Tower) :-D

  • Country : France
  • Development : January 28, 1887 - March 30, 1889 (2 years, 2 months, 5 days)
  • Builder : Alexandre Gustave Eiffel
  • Architect : Charles Leon Stephen Sauvestre
  • Cost : 7.4 million Frances
  • Building materials : Tower made of wrought iron. The foundation is made of reinforced concrete
  • High : 300.65 m (without antenna); 324 m (with antenna)
    • Level 1: High 57.63 m; The surface area of 4,200 m2 basis
    • Level 2: High 115.73 m; basic surface area of 1400 m2
    • Level 3: High 276.13 m, a surface area of 350 m2 basis
  • Weight: 7,000 Tons
  • Lifts (elevators): Since 1889 is equipped with a lift (elevator)
  • Number of stairs: 1710 steps

History :

Gustave Eiffel was actually planned to build the tower in Barcelona for the Universal Exhibition of 1888. But, the parties who have responsibility at Barcelona City Hall thought the project was strange and expensive, and also does not fit to the city. After the rejection from Barcelona, Gustave Eiffel submitted his draft to the responsible parties for the Universal Exhibition in Paris, where he built the tower a year later, in the year 1889.

The Eiffel Tower was actually built as a gateway "Exposition Universelle in 1889", which is a World's Fair, which coincides with the 100 years of the French Revolution. Despite harsh criticism and protests from residents and intellectuals in Paris, the Eiffel Tower construction is still being done from 1887 to 1889. The tower was inaugurated on March 31, 1889 with the French flag fluttering st the peak and opened to the public on May 6 in the same year. Bureau Eiffel planners made 5,300 detailed drawings of 18,000 pieces of different parts. Steel iron cross linked in the form of 18,038 puddled iron ore reinforced with nails 2,500,000.

The tower received some criticism from the public when it was built, one reason is distracting the view. Daily newspapers are filled with critical letters from the arts community in Paris. One of them was be included in the US Government Printing Office, William Watson about Paris Universal Exhibition of Civil Engineering, Public Works, and Architecture in 1892.
"And for twenty years we have seen, extends to all cities, still lived by genius people, we see a black shadowy expanse of black columns are constructed of iron spikes." The signing of this letter included Messonier, Gounod, Garnier , Gerome, Bougeureau, and Dumas.

The Novelist, Guy de Maupassant (who hates the tower) lunch in the Tower's restaurant every day. When asked why, he replied that it was the only place in Paris where he could not see the tower.

The Eiffel Tower has permission to stand for 20 years, which means it should be dismantled in 1909, when the ownership transferred to Paris. The townspeople were planning to demolish the tower, but after this tower has proved some profits to communication, the tower can still standing after the permit expires. The military used it to dispatch during the First Battle of the Marne, and it becomes the victory monument of the battle.


The risk of the construction was very high. Unlike the other modern skyscrapers, the tower is open without any intermediate floors except the two platforms. However, because Eiffel took a cautious stance, including the use of mobile cranes, rails and screens, only one man died.


Eiffel tower height from the ground to the flagpole reached 312.27 meters in the year 1889, but now a 324 meters with antennae. Currently, a variety of French television companies install their antennas at the peak of Eiffel Tower. The wind can cause the tower to sway as much as 6-7 cm and the heat may cause the spire to 18 cm away from the sun. Top of the tower may shift away from sun up to 18 cm (7 inches) due to expansion of metal on the side facing the sun. The tower also can swing around 6-7 cm (2-3 inches) in windy. Mr. Gustave Eiffel's masterpiece framework is windproof, although the material is from iron and heavy tower are about 7.300 tons.


The Eiffel Tower is owned by the regional government of Paris and is managed by a private company, "Société Nouvelle de l'Exploitation de la Tour Eiffel", the iron frame is renovated every 7 years and painted with 50 tons to 60 tons of paint. To maintain the appearance for the visitors, three different colors are used on the tower, with a dark color below and above the bright colors. At the first level there is an interactive console that tells color to the next painting. Renovation worked by workers who master the acrobatic and alpinis sport

Some Occasions That Ever Happened and Interest Facts In Eiffel Tower :
  1. On September 10, 1889, Thomas Edison visited the tower. He signed the guest book with the following message "Dear Mr. Eiffel the Engineer the brave builder of modern architecture and original from someone who gives great appreciation for all Engineers including the Great Engineer the Bon Dieu, Thomas Edison."
  2. In 1902, the tower was struck by lightning. The peak at height of 100 m (330 ft) has to be rebuilt and the lights illuminating the tower to be replaced soon.
  3. Father Theodor Wulf 1910, made an observations with radiant energy emitted above and below the tower. Then he finds it more than expected, and initiated what is now called cosmic rays.
  4. February 4, 1912, Austrian tailor Franz Reichelt has died after jumping from 60 meters (the first deck of the Eiffel Tower) with his parachute.
  5. In 1925, artist Victor Lustig "sold" the tower as scrap metal.
  6. In 1930, the tower lost his title as the world's tallest structure when the Chrysler Building was completed built in New York City.
  7. From 1925 to 1934, a billboard for Citroën filled all the three sides of the tower, making it becomes the world's highest advertising board at that time.
  8. Before the Nazi's occupation of Paris in 1940, the lift cables were cut by the French so that Adolf Hitler had to climb the stairs to the peak.
  9. January 3, 1956, a fire singeing the spire.
  10. In 1957, radio antenna was added at the peak tower.
  11. In the action / adventure film James Bond 1985 "A View To A Kill", Sir Roger Moore as James Bond chases May Day played by actress Grace Jones on the Eiffel Tower. He wore the parachute from the structure to escape. Video movie's theme song, sung by Duran Duran, also included several scenes of the band singing at the tower who clashed with scenes from the movie. 20 years earlier, Movies "Bond Thunderball" (1985) shows the tower when Largo parked at the outside Specter's office in Paris.
  12. July 14, 1995, Hari Bastille, French synthesizer musician, Jean Michel Jarre, performing concerts for concern the assistance of UNESCO at the tower. This free concert is visited by 1.5 million people and full the Champ-de-Mars. The concert featured lighting effects and projections, and a huge fireworks. Three years later, he returned to the same place for other music events, Electronic Night.
  13. On New Year's Eve of 2000, the Eiffel Tower of Paris held the Millennium Celebrations. Fireworks were fired from the entire tower with a spectacular performance. An exhibition on the first level cafeteria was also celebrated.
  14. In 2000, the lights flickered and four high-powered beacon lights installed in the tower. Since then the light show has become a daily event every night. Beacon lights on the tower make it becomes lighthouse in the night sky of Paris.
  15. At 19:20 on July 22, 2003, a wildfire occurred at the peak of tower in the preparation broadcasting room. The equipment in the towers are moved to the outside; fire was under control after 40 minutes, and there are no reports of injuries people.
  16. Since 2004, the Eiffel Tower has made a level courts for ice skating at the first floor during the winter.
  17. Do you know, if all the elevators at the Eiffel Tower are counted, the number of annual utility is equal with two and a half times we around the world, or more than 103,000 km.

My Photos (all the photos below are taken by me):
if the photos are broken, you can open from this link :D My Photos @ Eiffel Tower & Paris 
And this is video of light show in Eiffel Tower by me :D Light Show @ Eiffel Tower


Monday, 11 April 2016

Tugas Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

1. What is Toefl ?
  • Toefl is abbreviation from Test of English as a Foreign Language. Toefl is a single subject examination recognised in the USA and Canada as an indication of English proficiency for placement of students in colleges and universities. The most well known English Language examination in the world. It is intended for (US) grade 11 students and above. The TOEFL examination can only be taken at centres established by the examination board, which are in approximately 170 countries throughout the world. It is administered regularly throughout the world. Toefl test be required for someone who want register to international university and the language of the day is english. There are 4 sections in Toefl Test : Listening ComprehensionStructure and Written ExpressionReading Comprehension dan Test of Written English.

2. Explain there are kind of Toefl Test?
  • Toefl Test until now consists of 3 kind, that are :
    • PBT (Paper Based Test) Toefl {1964 - 1998}.  PBT Toefl is a paper-delivered test that measures your ability to use and understand English in a classroom setting at the college or university level. It accurately measures how well you can listen, read and write in English while performing academic tasks. And the scaled score from 217 to 677 points. Long test time is 2 to 2,5 hours. 
    • CBT (Computer Based Test) Toefl {1998 - 2005}. CBT Toefl test systems no longer use paper, but directly with the computer. All about using the software and any questions were answered / done on the computer. The CBT has four sections: Listening, Structure, Reading and Writing. And the scaled score from 0 to 300. Long test time is 2 to 2,5 hours.
    • iBT (Internet Based Test) Toefl {2005 - now}. iBT Toefl also use computer media, only on the iBT test system using the internet. Thus the test participants directly online with ETS and answer the test questions as well as online. The iBT has four sections: Listening, Speaking, Writing dan Reading. And the scaled score from 0 to 120. Long test time is 4 hours.

3. Subject - Verb Agreement (Strategy to answer Toefl Test) 

  • In english, a sentence must have subject and verb. The most common type in Structure Toefl Test question is about subject and verb. For example, maybe there are some words emptied, maybe subject or verb or both, or maybe some words which have an additional subject or additional verb.
  • How to answer Toefl Structure question the first is "Ensure The Conformity of The Sentence Which Have Subjects and Verbs".

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

English Assignment

Group 4 :
Ismi Dwi Djuanasari
Rahmah Riyanti
Shahnaz Shiva Deyana
Sri Mustika Dewi
Trifosa Cuanita

Part 1 (Translation of Paragraph IV)

Bisnis, maka, adalah kombinasi dari semua kegiatan ini : produksi, distribusi, dan penjualan. Namun, ada satu faktor penting lainnya. Faktor ini adalah pencipta laba atau surplus ekonomi. Tujuan utama dalam fungsi perusahaan bisnis Amerika adalah membuat keuntungan. Keuntungan adalah uang yang tersisa setelah semua biaya dibayar. Menciptakan surplus ekonomi atau keuntungan, maka dari itu, adalah sebuah tujuan utama dari aktivitas bisnis. (Diambil dari Konsep Bisnis untuk Bahasa Inggris oleh Barbara Tolley Dowling dan Marianne McDougal).

Part 2 (The Answer of The Questions)
  • Number 4
    • Question : What is 'production' ?
    • Answer : Production is the processes and methods used to transform tangible inputs (raw materials, semi-finished goods, subassemblies) and intangible inputs (ideas, information, knowledge) into goods or services. Resources are used in this process to create an output that is suitable for use or has exchange value.
  • Number 9
    • Question : What is 'profit' ?
    • Answer : Profit is the surplus remaining after total costs are deducted from total revenue, and the basis on which tax is computed and dividend is paid. It is the best known measure of success in an enterprise. Profit is reflected in reduction in liabilities, increase in assets, and/or increase in owners' equity. It furnishes resources for investing in future operations, and its absence may result in the extinction of a company. As an indicator of comparative performance, however, it is less valuable than return on investment (ROI).